Saturday, 17 December 2011

Spiced Chocolate Cake

Spiced Chocolate Cake with raspberries

You need: 200g dark chocolate (70% cacao chopped) 200g unsalted butter (cubed) 150g caster sugar 5 eggs (yolk separated) – 2tbsp plain flour – ¼ tsps. of ground ginger; ground allspice; ground cinnamon -  3 tbsp icing sugar – raspberries – Vanilla ice cream – Honey -  Oven at 180ºC – Oven proof dish of 23cm and 4cm deep. I recommend using a rubber spatula.

1. In a little bowl mix the spices with 2 tbsp of plain flour. Mix well.
2. In a heatproof bowl (Pyrex) melt the chocolate and butter over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir. Turn off the heat and add the sugar and flour with the spices. Set aside

Melting Chocolate with butter
3. After 3 minutes, beat in the egg yolks, mix very well.
4. In another bowl whisk the eggs white until you get soft peaks, will be easy if you use a electric whisk. With my whisker take me about 10 minutes.
5. Fold in the eggs white foam to the chocolate mixture. Remove from the bowl  with the spatula.
6. Grease with some butter your oven dish and dust with some flour. Then pour in the mixture in (again using the spatula will be more quickly) and bake for 30-40 minutes.
7. Check if you cake is done inserting a cocktail stick or knife in the middle, should  come out with some moist crumbs attached. Let cool down on a wire rack
8. Serve: Slice the cake. Transfer each slice to individual plates, dust with the icing sugar and decorate with some raspberries and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream with honey

• Recipe by Jason Atherton. In the original recipe he macerates the raspberries and sprinkle over some lemon thyme so you can do it in this way. I don’t like macerated fruit so I improvised.


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