far I remember when I moved to England and started to cook for myself the name
Antonio Carluccio always was on the bookshelf and he used to appear in Sunday
magazines and food T.V channels. But unfortunately my real first touch with his
food was with the Carluccio´s restaurant chain, I know that in those kind of
franchise you can expect great food but
also I wasn’t expecting to have my worst Italian food experience for ages!
enough Carluccio co-starred in the last
BBC show Two Greedy Italians with Gennaro Contaldo in where he launch a complain
about how restaurant near to a tourist atracion or in this case a pilgrim point
become rich cooking “shit” (his own words), so I think: “ like we was doing
something different”, but despite my thinking our Kitchen Voyage critic
restaurants keep telling me he had one of his best dinner experience in the old
Neal Street Restaurant Carluccio´s main
restaurant and despite some comments I really enjoy the TV series even for
moment you were thinking that the two old Italian aren´t going through in their
food journey around Italy and despite all the foolish moments and comments of
Genarro Contaldo Italian food mentor of Jamie Oliver and in charge of the Jamie
Italian (he worked also at Neal Street Restaurant)
instead go to the bookshop and buy the book to follow the series I just flick
off the dust of my bookshelf and there was the Complete Italian Food book byAntonio Carluccio that also contain most of the recipes show in the series, yep
seems like Carluccio’s knows how to make easy money and without innovate too
much because the book is just a collection of old Italian ladies recipes, but
perhaps in favour of Carluccio he was one of the first to organise and describe
all the gastronomic richness of all the region of Italy and tell us in English.
So I think I was ready for follow the recipes and tips of Antonio, and for rise
more the challenge I concentrate only in Carluccio born province, Piedmont in
north Italy, where in a first glance the butter is use sometimes like substitute
of the olive-oil and livers and truffles are common ingredients in the
piedmontese kitchens. And because he thinks Italian food must be cook in a tasty
and quick way I concentrate also in the quickest recipes that he has in the